Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A Hunter's Virtue

     Patience is a virtue, unless you are a hunter. Then it becomes a vice. Waiting, waiting, waiting and waiting ....that endless, eternal, mind-numbing waiting which turns usually mild mannered and pleasant individuals into some form of haunted alien beings, glassy eyed men that whisper among themselves of failed attempts, sleepless mortals that plot and plan while waiting for the next offense, driven men refusing to give up until the mission has been accomplished-- that is the nature of the hunter.
     For a solid month, normally sane men  will rise in the dark of night to drive deep into the quiet of the woods, to sit in cubicles of branches and twigs, to shiver on the hard ground of an April frost, only to wait, and wait, and wait, breathlessly wait, for that elusive gobbler to appear. On most morns, their waiting is futile, and the closest they will come to the bird is in the echos of his mating call. Defeated by the fowl, they return home to stare silently at the wall, replaying the scene over and over again, the missed opportunity, the shot-that-never-happened.
     They wait and wait and wait until the new day dawns. The game of sit-and-stare-and-stalk begins again as the determined hunter slips quietly back into the woods to play the next round of waiting. The ritual takes shape as gobbles and purrs are parried back and forth between the tom and his faux mate- the haunted hunter.
      And then, it happens.  The line of defense has been broken, and the great bird struts and dances into sight. He gobbles to his would-be mate, an unknown caller in a hidden blind, a deceptive player in the game of love. Gun silently raised to shoulder, finger steady on the trigger, prayer swiftly sent above, and the mating call becomes a deadly song. Steady aim, shot fired, and the waiting is over.  It has happened.  The trophy has been won. The hunter's virtue has been restored.
     It is a good day, and we shall feast at Christmas.

Pop finally bags a bird.....with only one week left in the season!
A nice set of spurs.....
Measuring the beard.....
Dinner is served.....

Monday, April 19, 2010

Eleventh Annual OSPY Awards Photo Album

Hot off the Press.......photos from the OSPY Awards Banquet......

Waiting to walk the red carpet......

Here she comes......

Favorite Geology Professor!!!

Entrance to the OSPY Awards Banquet.....

Hurrah for Hollywood.......

And the Winner Is........

Miss Mary Lapsley Daly!!!!!!
(applause, applause, applause...)

Basking in the Glow....

There she goes...that's our gal.......she's a winner!!!!!

Favorite English Professor....

All in all,  it was a very good year!!!!!
The End

And the winner of the 2010 OSPY Award goes to.....

  Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, live from the Red Carpet, we bring you our special presentation of the  2010 OSPY Awards.  Live from the campus of the University of South Carolina- Lancaster, welcome to the Eleventh Annual Star-Studded 2010 OSPY's!!!! (pan the crowd, pan the crowd).

 Announcer:   Let's go to the red-carpet to see who is arriving....Look! There is Mary Lapsley Daly, previous winner of the CN2 Hometown Hero, the Catalano Scholarship, the 2009 President's List, and a Pal recipient. She is looking very chic walking the red carpet in her black jersey dress with  heavily beaded collar, matching beaded kitten heel sandals, and Etienne Aigner freshwater pearl and garnet cascading earrings  ( all jewelry from Ms. Daly's personal collection).  .....( Pause for the paparazzi.) FLASH! FLASH! FLASH!

Announcer:     Now back to the main hall for the awards ceremony......brought to you by our sponsors, the University of South Carolina and the Opportunity Scholars Program.
     The presenter for the next award is Mr. Max Bonak, Unviersity 101 Professor at the University of South Carolina-Lancaster.Mr. Bonak is looking very dapper in a traditional cut tuxedo, complemented by black designer shades from his personal collection.  Here he comes now....let's see who wins this award. He has been handed the envelope.....he's opening it......he's getting ready to announce...let's listen.....

    MR BONAK:  The next award goes to a student who has shown remarkable optimism and determination in her college  career, overcoming physical challenges while maintaining a remarkable attitude and a stellar academic performance.......And the winner for the 2010 Remarkably Optimistic Student Award goes to......
   (drum roll, drum roll, drum roll........)



Announcer: Ms. Daly is the previous winner of the CN2 Hometown Hero Award, the Catalano Scholarship, a recipient of the 2009 President's List and a PAL program designee.
And that's all for this evening...thank you for viewing our show. We now return to our regularly scheduled blog......

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happy Tax Day from the Land of Congress!!!!

     Woohoo!! It's Tax Day!!! That most wonderful day of the year when US citizens that actually work get to turn most of their hard earned income over to residents that don't work: you know, to people like Senators, Representatives, illegal immigrants, convicted criminals, child abusers, drug addicts, tax cheats, and the unemployed.  Yessiree, there's nothing like that satisfied feeling of knowing that less than half of the population has to work in order to support the remaining half that does not. I feel good!
   But don't get discouraged, all you hard working citizens of America. I have a plan.   I love my country, but I have decided I have to move. The only way to survive is to move to that magical land where everything that applies to the ordinary citizens of America no longer applies to them. I'm talking about a special world called the Land of Congress- a magical land where you get to have private laws, private health insurance, private retirement plans, private tax requirements, private kickbacks, even private jets and private body guards...for life!!! You don't even have to wait 7 years  to become a citizen of the Land of Congress...the minute you enter, you are a citizen for life. I can't wait to get there!
      It gets even better....in the magical Land of Congress, you get to make laws for people in the land of America, but you don't have to obey them in the Land of Congress.  You get to take tax money from people in the land of America, but you don't have to pay your own taxes in the Land of Congress. You can even get REWARDED for not paying your taxes in the Land of Congress with things like rent-controlled apartments, luxury vacation homes, freezers full of cash, even high level Cabinet positions
      It gets even better....you don't have to have any qualifications to move into the Land of Congress....no prior employment history, no credit checks, no educational requirements, no religious affiliation, no code of moral ethics, no intelligence tests, no military service, no mental health evaluations....you just get to move on in and take over the neighboring country called America. 
     Oh my goodness, it just keeps getting better....once you move into the land of Congress, you not only get to take money from hard working people in the land of America, you get to spend it however you like....with no restrictions!!! And if there's not enough money to pay for all the wonderful things you want to do....you know, things like million dollar airports in the middle of nowhere and studies of the reproductive cycles of tree frogs,  then you just print some more!!!Woohoo!!!
     And it keeps getting better...they are environmentally friendly up there. The only way to move around in the land of Congress is to ride either an elephant or a donkey, and we all know that the only thing they leave behind is a pile of poop.  No more concerns about depletion of the ozone layer or global warming as a result of the inefficient combustion of fossil fuels from those nasty SUVs they drive in America....those vehicles in the Land of Congress are all green, all natural, and the mess they leave behind will eventually decompose and turn into fertilizer. Beautiful!!!
     And finally, only in the Land of Congress can you still voice an opinion or say things like this without fear of censorship, penalty, or arrest. So as soon as I get out of jail, I'm moving.
    I'm gonna miss all of ya'll in America, but I have no choice. I moving to that magical, enchanted, mystical place,  that site of private health care, private tax laws, private retirement plans, private rules and regulations,  private jets and body guards, that land where I will get to tell people in the bordering state of America just what to do and where to go, whether they like it or not, because they are all my subjects now that I reside and rule in the  Land of Congress. 
     WooHoo! I'm moving to the Land of Congress, just have to mail my tax check in first.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

This blog will continue after the following message....

     Ladies and gentlemen, are you having a hard time sleeping? Sneezing more than usual? Feeling stuffy and stopped up? Are those eyes red and watery? Nose pouring and itching? Waking up tired?

     Don't feel like you have to suffer all alone.... Don't  stay cooped up in the house feeling irritable and isolated.... Don't miss a single Southern spring day by sitting inside suffering alone....  Don't feel like no one cares...... Get SASSY!
      JOIN THE GROUP  Southern Allergy Sufferers Supporting Ya'll!

      Yessir, you are not alone. Join the hundreds of Southern allergy sufferers who are afflicted this time each year.
      Become part of an exclusive group of sufferers located only in certain selective spots in the south.

      Be SASSY!

    To join, simply submit your pedigree, listing both maternal and paternal lineages to the third degree, all social and club memberships, extracurricular activities, college of matriculation (please omit all colleges from which one may have been expelled or asked politely to leave), charitable contributions, political party preference, and religious affiliation. Please include a minimum of three letters of reference and one doctor's referral. List of all medications, both prescribed and over-the-counter, must be included. Home remedies must be listed seperately.

    As a member of SASSY, you will receive all the benefits offered by our group. This one-time offer includes the following:
  • A guaranteed  "God Bless You" after every single sneeze  
  • An extra "Bless Your Little Heart" for a series of sneezing
  • Lavendar scented Irish Linen handkerchief (ladies only, please)
  • Mossy Oak or French Cambric handkerchief (gentlemen only, please)
  • A 24 hour hotline (1-800-SCUSEME)
  • Unlimited sympathy, understanding, compassion, and concern
  Join today, and you will also receive our signature furry yellow pollen blanket embroidered with our logo, the pecan tassel.
Pecan Tassels gently cascading from tree
If you have proximity to pollen saturated pecan trees or live oaks, you automatically qualify as a member.
Cat owners receive an extra 10% discount.

Not one single member of SASSY will ever suffer alone, bless all ya'lls little sneezy hearts.

  •   Call 1-800-SASSY to join today.
  •  Don't even ask how much it costs.
  • Hurry...offer expires sooner than you'd think.
  •  Limited number of memberships available, but I just know ya'll will all want to join.
  • All terms and conditions subject to change whenever I say so, thank you very much.
  • God Bless You's unlimited and non-refundable.


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Gen-u-wine Hunting Dawg

     Pop has been rising early each morning to go on the great man-hunt for the elusive wild turkey--that brilliant, bearded bird that struts boldly from May to March, then for the month of April suddenly becomes as rare as the Ivory-billed woodpecker.  He is on his sixth day of stalking ole Tom with no luck. He has donned apparel of leaves and twigs and feathers and branches, has risen with the waning moon, has crept quietly through field and stream, and has yet to bag the bird. He has gobbled and purred and clucked and yelped til he's blue in the face, and that bird-in-the-bush has yet to become a bird-in-hand.
     I think I can solve his problem.  It suddenly donged on me that what he needs is a gen-u-wine, purebred, thoroughbred, spoiled rotten, fashion conscious, tempermental hunting dawg. There ain't nuttin that'll pull that old bird out of the woods quicker than a cute little ball of fluff all decked out in camouflage. Soft, curly fur glistening in the early morning sun, fluffy little ears gently blowing in the dawn breeze, poodle pom-poms peeking out from underneath a mossy oak ensemble--it would get the attention of a buzzard, not to mention a highly intelligent turkey. I guarantee ole Tom will come shooting out of the woods in a spit, squawking and gawking and strutting, trying to figure out just what in the dickens that thang is, just curious enough to fly in for a look, just dying to check out my hunting dawg. That's when Pop will have his chance, his Big moment,  and BOOM! Ole Tom is in the bag.  No more getting up in the dead of night, no more cold mornings shivering in a lonely blind, no more irritable afternoons stewing and sleeping and squawking on the phone.  Problem solved. He can thank me later. 
     I offer him none other than the finest hunting dawg around: a one-of-a-kind, gen-u-wine, pure-bred, nattily attired, perfectly groomed, questionably trained turkey poodle-- my very own Mr. Big. As I said before, he can thank me later!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Turkey Trot

     Today is the opening day of Turkey Season in the great state of South Carolina.  For those women fortunate enough to be married to a turkey hunter, it's the beginning of a month of hell.  Every year on the first day of April, normally sane, polite, and courteous men suddenly turn into gobbling maniacs. They get up in the middle of the night to dress like an oak tree and go sit in a field, hoping and praying a big gobbler will strut by so they can blow his brains out and then come home to brag about it. It's no wonder they call it April Fool's Day.
     If unsuccesful in their efforts to nab an opening day Tom,  they return grumpy and exhausted, spending the rest of the day either napping or practicing their mating gobbles. If they do manage to bag a big one, they spend the rest of the day on the phone talking about it with their friends, then go back to napping and practicing their mating gobbles. They go to bed early, rise early, talk to no one except fellow hunters, and continue this insane pattern for the rest of the month.
     It's not that I'm opposed to hunting. I'm not. I support the NRA and the right to bear arms. I was born into a gun-toting family, raised my son to be a huntsman, and can cook some of the best wildlife dishes this side of the Mississippi.   I firmly believe men should be the hunters while women go to the mall and gather. It's just the seasonal transformation that takes place in these men that I oppose....the obsessive compulsiveness about it, the bi-polar personality of the hunter, the mutation of generally pleasant men into gun wielding, gobbling zombies.
     Take my father, for example, usually the most exemplary of gentlemen, a quiet and thoughtful man, a brilliant but retired executive. Starting in about March, something begins to happen to him.  Packages start arriving in the mail containing clothing that looks like shredded leaves. A man for whom telephone conversations are generally painful suddenly has the phone glued to his ear. He's on the phone all afternoon with his hunting partner, Dwight Pearson, who was my childhood preacher. This is the reverent man who taught me about Jesus and helped me memorize the Catechism, the man who performed my marriage ceremony and baptized my children-- and he and my father are gobbling back and forth to each other over the phone!  My father and my minister. Something is so not right about that whole scene. 
     After Pop and Dwight finish gobbling back and forth to each other, he calls the third member of the hunting platoon, Ladson Stringfellow, and replays the whole scene, gobbling over the phone, waiting for Ladson to gobble back, then returning his gobble. All that squawking is worse than a pack of pre-pubescent teenage girls calling each other on a Friday afternoon. It's even more embarassing to think that these are grown men, and one of them is my father.
     Pop runs his hunting season like a small corporation-- organized, focused, strategic, planned and prepared. He has his network of hunters lined up, and this trio of normally sane men--Pop, Dwight, and Ladson-- run through drills and practice sessions, go into the field to set up decoys and blinds, have brainstorming conversations about technique and strategy, plot and plan expeditions, and gobble, and gobble, and gobble, back and forth to each other, all month long.
      The television is permanently fixed on the Hunting Channel, where men whisper into the camera as they sit camoflauged in a blind, leading the mesmerized viewers step-by-step through the process of stalking and bagging a trophy bird.  My father watches intently as he slides the bar of his turkey gobbler slowly back and forth, back and forth. 
      My 77 year old father, who normally struggles to walk from the den to the bedroom, is suddenly able to leap from his chair, haul hunting equipment around the house, hop into his SUV, and sit in a field for hours. This same man, the one who has developed the habit of sleeping til mid-morning,  is suddenly able to rise during the darkness of night, get himself dressed, make his own breakfast, and be in a blind by five a.m. I can only think it must have something to do with the preacher and a miracle.
     And so it will go for the month of April...with the blessing of spring comes the beginning of turkey season, that time of year when sane men turn into gobbling goons, trotting through fields while dressed like trees, gobbling back and forth to each other like silly birds, forfeiting sleep and sanity and family relations all for the sake of bagging a tough old wild bird. 
     I hate to tell them that old bird doesn't taste nearly as good as the Butterball from Food Lion.
Different season, different bird, same old hunter!