Friday, November 19, 2010

Off to the Maul....

     Christmas lights are going up in town, wreaths are appearing on doorways, carols are playing on the "Holly" station, and all the stores are putting up holiday decorations and stocking shelves. That most glorious time of the year is approaching, and Black Friday cometh. Put on your armor and strap on your's time to head to the Maul.
     Ah, Christmas....the season of giving, the season of forgiving. And believe me, you're going to experience both of those emotions before the holiday is over with if you plan on going to your local mall. It all begins that special day after Thanksgiving-Black Friday-a day when Americans are saturated  and idle, a day when we are lethargically laden with turkey-induced tryptophans while simultaneously pumped up on pumpkin-pie carboyhdrates. We're tired, we're wired, and we're ready to spend some money. It's time to meet the masses at your local shopping trough, time to wade into that wild and weary land lovingly and affectionately known as "The Maul".
       To really appreciate the peace, love, and joy of Christmas, you must spend Black Friday at your local shopping maul. There, as you indulge your obession with gift-giving, you will also have to immerse yourself in some holiday forgiving, because as you negotiate the masses that are frantically searching for that one hot item, that lone toy-du-jour, that MUST HAVE gift of which only one is left in the entire 48 contiguous states, you will quite possibly be mauled to death. After you have manuevered through the crowds, after you have encountered frantic and aggressive shoppers, after you have plowed through mountains of merchandise and spent hours trekking across concrete floors, believe me, you will be so anxious for peace, love, and joy that you may never venture there again!
     But Black Friday approacheth, and being only human, we will continue to trade peace, love and joy for consumerism, commercialism, and consumption.  This is opening day of  the official Christmas shopping season, and all the bargain hunters will have their credit cards loaded and will be flocking to the buying fields.  But be prepared. Plan in advance. Have a strategy. This is not a day for amateurs and only the seasoned Black Friday troops will survive.
     Put your big girl panties on before you go, because you'll need to be tough and stoic to deal with the other holly jolly holiday shoppers. Heck, you'll need to be tough and stoic just to get past the parking lot. The battle starts the minute you arrive. You'll probably have to pull out an AK-47 or some other high-powered assault weapon as soon as you enter just to get that one empty parking space-- the space you finally spotted after your twentieth lap around "the maul."  Oh, don't actually shoot it. Just sort of wave it around in the air, rev your engine up a couple of times,  slap a "crazy old lady" look on your face, and believe me, the virgin shoppers will bolt out of the lot before they complete a single lap around "the maul." It's pretty amazing how quickly you can clear'em out with a little pre-planning.  Then you can just ease that big ole SUV into the spot closest to the door, where you'll be able to run back and forth all day long as you load your deals and steals into the cargo hatch. You've just accomplished your first tactical holiday mission. Congratulations.
    Now, take a deep breath, pop a xanax, and say a prayer -you're about to head inside.  The battlefield can get pretty ugly when people are purchasing gifts to celebrate the birth of our Savior.  I've been accosted, assaulted, stepped on, run over, cursed at, pushed, shoved and insulted during Black Friday shopping excursions. I've had items ripped out of my hands and little old ladies practically steamroll over me in order to snag a two-for-one deal.  The joy of the season becomes more of "Boy if I had a reason to stay at home, this is it" after a few hours inside that environment, and it becomes quite apparent why they call this place "THE MAUL." As I've warned you before, it can get ugly at the battlefront, and sometimes, the troops just have to retreat and head back home. Don't be ashamed if this happens to you. Retreat-and-advance is an age-old manuever, it can be quite effective, and it's the reason they invented the internet, where success is just at the tips of your fingers.
     But if you do advance back into "the maul,"  you may want to pull a Nancy Reagan and brush up on your "Just Say No" skills. Don't expect to be able to casually meander through the buildings, happily searching for the items you actually wanted to purchase. There are troops stationed up and down every inch of the hallways and aisles, pacing back and forth, searching for the weak. Those soldiers aren't about to let you pass until you have stopped at their station and completed their inspection.  They will spray you with noxious gases called "perfume" which will disorient your senses. They will grab your hands and cover them with lotions and oils so you are unable to hold onto your weapons. They will offer you foods to eat which may be contaminated with biological germ warfare, so be very, very wary.
     I've been commanded by these warriors to have my teeth bleached, my eyebrows waxed, my jewelry cleaned, my back massaged, my kitchen renovated, my bathtub re-glazed, my phone service re-configured, my retirement plan upgraded and  my gutters cleaned. Seriously, do they think that's why I came to "the maul" in the first place? Do they really think those are services I am going to purchase here? I wouldn't be surprised to learn next that I can have my annual gynecological exam completed in front of Victoria's Secret while simultaneously filing my tax returns.  You are going to have to be able to firmly march past, arm extended and hand up, and just shout "NO!" as you pass each station. You will not survive if you cannot complete this tactical manuever.
      Black Friday at "the maul" is an experience everyone should undergo once in a lifetime, because, as Nietzsche reminds us, that which doesn't kill us only makes us stronger. It will, however,  wear you out. Coming home bruised, tired, frustrated and irritable may not quite be worth that 20% one-day discount, and it sure doesn't put me in the holiday spirit, but it helps me keep things in perspective. Unlike Nietzstsche, who doubted God and declared Him dead,  I am sure He lives and so I celebrate.  Commercialism may try to overshadow it, but as I hustle and bustle with the rest of the world, as I bargain and banter for that perfect present, as I move with the masses through the mobs at the mall, even then--- I will not forget the reason for the season.  I see it in a face in the crowd, the smile of a child, the kindness of a stranger, or the compassion of a sales clerk-- even in the midst of all this stress and mess,  even at "the maul,"  I see God and I celebrate.
     So yes, I will probably venture out on Black Friday, for just a bit. I don't know why I continue to do this, but I do. I dread it, but I'm out there with the rest of the world.   I would  rather stay at home with my family, browsing and eBay, shopping in my jammies while curled up on the sofa with a hot cup of coffee, but off I will go, armed and ready, headed to "the maul," celebrating the season. It's my Christian duty.
         And if you decide to venture out, be sure to have a list and check it twice. Be well-hydrated and well-rested. Carry a stash of energy bars and a large bottle of Purel. Update your will and say your prayers.  Plaster a "Merry Christmas" grin across your face, stick a sprig of mistletoe in your hat, and  hum a few bars of "O, Holy Night!," Then, strap on your armour, choose your weapons, and advance, or cash-advance, whichever suits you best. You're ready for battle.
     And if you bump into me,  "Merry Christmas" friend, peace and goodwill,  but I spied that bargain first.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

This is Life

     This is life.
     It is amazing. It is unpredictable. It is wonderful. It is confusing. It changes so rapidly in some instances that we barely have time to breathe and so slowly at others that time seems to stop. But that's life, and we deal with it and we learn from our experiences and we grow stronger and we move on.
    This is November.
    Week one-best friend learns she has breast cancer.
    Week Two- sister learns she is having extensive back surgery, father begins series of epidural steroidal injections for spinal stenosis, best friend has mastectomy.
    Week Three- father has back surgery on Friday, sister's back surgery scheduled for Tuesday.
    Week Four- Thanksgiving.
    And yes, in the midst of all these medical crises and surgeries, watching family and friends endure illness and pain, I am thankful. Thankful for a God that never changes in character, never leaves our side, never stops loving us. Thankful for a God that sustains us and gives us hope. Thankful that God has provided us with talents and gifts to manage life's stressful situations. Thankful for patience when I am hurried, strength when I am tired, understanding when I am confused, serenity when I am anxious.

      Thankful for a country that currently still provides the best medical care in the world. Thankful for surgeons and nurses and doctors and therapists that have been well-trained in excellent medical schools. Thankful for hospitals that are fully staffed and have the most modern medical equipment and medicines available. Thankful for brilliant minds and trained hands and serving souls and compassionate hearts.
     Thankful for church families and ministers that pray for us and lift us up.  Thankful for family and friends that surround us and support us when we need them most.    
   Thankful that as a nation we have recognized the importance of giving thanks to God. Thankful that we have set aside a specific day for the soul purpose of  thanking Him for the blessings and abundance He has poured out upon our country. This is not merely a day for football and turkey, for overeating and long naps on the couch, for festive parades and holiday shopping.  It is a day of Thanksgiving to a God that has been merciful, loving, forgiving, generous, protective, abundant, patient, kind, understanding, slow to anger, omnipotent. It is a day to gather with family and friends, to hold hands and bow heads and pray, to share a meal around a common table, and to thank our God.
    So yes, even in times of great stress, of impatience, of concern, of anxiety--even in these times, I am thankful.
    This is life--our God-given life, our wonderful, uncertain, confusing, unpredictable life. Our world is spinning rapidly and changing quickly, events are happening that are out of our control, but one thing remains certain, one thing is constant, one thing we can cling to and put our hopes in, one thing we can trust in and believe in and be assured of... and that is God. Our loving, merciful, ever-present, unchanging God. Our creator and sustainer. Our Father, God.
     This Thanksgiving, I will give thanks. I will most certainly give thanks.
     This Is Life, and I am thankful.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Too dumb

     Apparently the current administration deeply believes that the American people are just too dumb and that only the politicians know what is best for us. We are too dumb to remember that politicians are elected public servants who are supposed to serve the will of the people.  We are too dumb to realize that those same elected officials should serve for a limited time and then return to the real world and get a real job. We are too dumb to catch on to the things that are happening in the world around us...just too dumb to get it, and therefore, we MUST submit to their omnipotent wisdom, their grab for total domination of our lives and our world. We are too dumb to realize that socialized medicine is in our best interests.....although it is NOT in the best interests of the politicians themselves, who maintain a seperate, tax-payer funded private insurance plan for themselves and their families. Too dumb to realize that increasing the federal deficit by trillions of dollars, while at the same time devaluing the hard-earned American dollar, is actually in our best interests. Too dumb to realize that while individual families must tighten their belts and live within their means, the federal government  can wildly and irresponsibly spend money that was earned on the backs of their constituents. Too dumb to realize that  spending $200 million dollars a day on a ten-day trip to Asia is actually in our best interests. Too dumb to realize that while we must monitor our green-house emmissions, they can jet all over the world, at the tax-payer's expense, because it is all in our best interests. Too dumb to realize that our elected officials have the right to maintain a seperate retirement plan for themselves, even though Social Security--which is mandated for the rest of America-- is rapidly going broke. Too dumb to realize that printing more money will not solve the current economic problems.  Too dumb to realize that cutting taxes for all Americans is actually fair, because we are too dumb to actually realize who the job-creators in this country are.  Too dumb to realize that AARP- the group that stubbornly supported Obamacare even though it's members loudly shouted "NO"" --we are just too dumb to realize that they initiated a 13% premium rate increase  three days after the mid-term elections AND we are all just too dumb to see the political ploy behind that timely move. In fact, in general, in making decisions for our country and our lives,  we are all just too dumb.
      Oh, poor, poor America. The land of the free and the brave. The home of democracy and freedom for all. The strongest military nation in the world. The leader in technology and innovation. The home to the most philanthropic and generous citizens in the world.  The nation of refuge for the oppressed and assistance for the suffering. The land of equal opportuity, religious freedom, civil rights, and freedom of speech. The country built on the ingenuity and hard-work of it's people....
         I never knew we were all just too dumb to get it.