Monday, April 19, 2010

And the winner of the 2010 OSPY Award goes to.....

  Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, live from the Red Carpet, we bring you our special presentation of the  2010 OSPY Awards.  Live from the campus of the University of South Carolina- Lancaster, welcome to the Eleventh Annual Star-Studded 2010 OSPY's!!!! (pan the crowd, pan the crowd).

 Announcer:   Let's go to the red-carpet to see who is arriving....Look! There is Mary Lapsley Daly, previous winner of the CN2 Hometown Hero, the Catalano Scholarship, the 2009 President's List, and a Pal recipient. She is looking very chic walking the red carpet in her black jersey dress with  heavily beaded collar, matching beaded kitten heel sandals, and Etienne Aigner freshwater pearl and garnet cascading earrings  ( all jewelry from Ms. Daly's personal collection).  .....( Pause for the paparazzi.) FLASH! FLASH! FLASH!

Announcer:     Now back to the main hall for the awards ceremony......brought to you by our sponsors, the University of South Carolina and the Opportunity Scholars Program.
     The presenter for the next award is Mr. Max Bonak, Unviersity 101 Professor at the University of South Carolina-Lancaster.Mr. Bonak is looking very dapper in a traditional cut tuxedo, complemented by black designer shades from his personal collection.  Here he comes now....let's see who wins this award. He has been handed the envelope.....he's opening it......he's getting ready to announce...let's listen.....

    MR BONAK:  The next award goes to a student who has shown remarkable optimism and determination in her college  career, overcoming physical challenges while maintaining a remarkable attitude and a stellar academic performance.......And the winner for the 2010 Remarkably Optimistic Student Award goes to......
   (drum roll, drum roll, drum roll........)



Announcer: Ms. Daly is the previous winner of the CN2 Hometown Hero Award, the Catalano Scholarship, a recipient of the 2009 President's List and a PAL program designee.
And that's all for this evening...thank you for viewing our show. We now return to our regularly scheduled blog......

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