Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Final Stretch

    This begins the last week of the first semester of the next four years of college life...it all seemed to go by in about 30 seconds, much like watching my children grow up over the last nineteen years.  Exams begin next week, all papers and projects and power-point presentations are due this week, and there are only twenty five shopping days left until Christmas. Things may be a little slow right now in the communication department, but we are entering the final stretch in full force.
     It has been an amazing four months and I'm not sure who has gained the most out of this experience. I have watched Sissey gain confidence and wisdom in leaps and bounds. I have had the luxury of returning to my childhood home to relive old memories and create new ones. My son and husband have graciously  and patiently adapted to this new and unusual living arrangement. My parents have gone to extraordinary lengths to welcome us home. They have allowed us to completely disrupt life as they knew it and have accomodated any and all of our special needs-- installing automatic stair-lifts, ramps, railings and walkways where needed.  Even the dogs have played their part and adjusted to the ever-changing schedule of "family here/family gone."
     My heart is full and grateful this Christmas season.
     I look forward to finishing up this semester, resting over a nice long break, then starting back in January with fresh energy, a new schedule of classes, and the anticipation of enjoying a mild South Carolina winter.  
     One week to go and counting.....the final stretch begins.

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