Thursday, December 16, 2010

Ode to a Fruitcake

How lovely, how lucious
you seasonal treat
I loudly pronounce you
as fitting to eat.
I will not mock you or hide you in shame
 I proudly proclaim
So stuffed full of coconut, spices and berries
How I love to devour all those green and red cherries
Pineapple, nuts, raisins abundant
Need I go on? Am I sounding redundant?
I can't help myself, I get so excited
Just thinking about it, I'm oh-so-delighted!
Fruitcake for breakfast
Fruitcake for lunch
Fruitcake for dinner and high tea and brunch
Nibble a slice in the dark of the night
As you walk through the kitchen and pinch off a bite
Just a small little nibble, a sweet little taste
Who cares if the sugar goes straight to your waist?
It's Christmas! The holidays merry and bright
The season of yule logs and cookies and lights
Of  Santa and sleigh rides and reindeer and holly
Of baking and eggnog and elves that are jolly
Of carols and tinsel and garlands and bows
Of stolen sweet kisses beneath mistletoe.
And fruitcake! Yes! Fruitcake! A heavenly treat!
Sent straight from the angels for mortals to eat.
Full of fruit! And it's healthy! Don't even think twice-
It's a full balanced diet in one little slice.
So if you start groaning when fruitcake appears
and the thought of one bite quickly brings you to tears
If you simply re-gift it or secretly stash
Every slice that you're given straight into the trash
Then you've been so misguided, and I guarantee
They didn't use Grandmother's real recipe
The one that requires fruit by the pound
Hours of chopping, all done by hand
Fresh shelled pecans from old Southern trees
Raisins and dates (just a splash of whiskey!) 
If you're not a believer, a true devotee
I suggest you first taste one and then you will see.
And if you are one who turns up your nose
At the mention of fruitcake, then I say to those
that condemn the sweet fruitcake, that most noble treat
Do not belittle that which I eat!
The symbol of Christmas, a holiday pleasure
A family tradition, a long-lasting treasure.
Ah! Fruitcake, sweet fruitcake, I sing out your name
In a holiday carol,  I sing of your fame!
And to all who adore you and in you delight,
I wish Merry Christmas in each tasty bite!

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